Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Kassie is finally off of crate rest!  She still needs to keep fairly quiet until July.  No wrestling or games of chase but she can still have nice quiet walks in the neighborhood.  

Today was a beautiful spring day!  So, I opened up the front door to get some fresh air.  Kassie's nose came up from the water bowl and she made her way to the front door.  Her nose was twitching.  She pressed her face against the screen and couldn't seem to get enough fresh air.  She kept sniffing and pushing... sniffing and pushing... until we heard a ripping sound.  I didn't think much of the noise until I saw the front half of Kassie on the front porch and her butt in the foyer! 

Kassie maintains that it was our house guest, the Portuguese Water Dog, that started a small rip in the screen.  She must really be a smart dog because she is right!   I can't fault a curious girl!  

Monday, April 7, 2008


Kassie was a very good sport after the first part of her treatment.  Her foster mommy followed every word of the vet's instructions and kept her quiet until the next treatment.  Crate rest  had to get really boring!  Poor thing!  But, her 3 year old human read her stories and taped art work to the side of her crate!  They also napped together!  

Kassie would get special time to cuddle in bed with us when the other dogs were out of the room. Kassie could have been feeling horrible but she never showed it!  She was ready to play with the dogs!  Too ready to play...LOL!  
Kassie had a few other issues to work on.  She was loaded with worms and had to be treated again for hookworm.  Then, Kassie went into heat!  That was another reason to keep her safe in her crate!  We even put a crate in the back yard so she could enjoy the nice weather without a stray male dog "enjoying" her!